GATE Stats

Number of Students Appeared In GATE 2011

Number of student appeared in some completive exam gives an idea of level of competition that exam has. It also give an understanding that how much effort is need to stay in top. Usually students look for this information. I posted the number of students appeared in GATE 2010 and now this post. This is presented as GATE 2012 preparation guide. Do check other useful articles there.

You can easily figure out a significant increase in the number of students taking the GATE and probably the same number or more will be taking GATE exam in 2012 too. Last year I tried to figure out number of seats in IITs for M.Tech . All these will help you to understand the level of focus and determination GATE 2012 is asking from you. An important thing, these numbers are not to scare, just to have an idea about how much sincerity one need to prepare.

Number of students appeared in GATE 2011

Discipline/ Course / Stream Number of students appeared
Computer Science and Engineering and IT 136027
Electronics and Communication Engineering 137853
Electrical Engineering 72680
Mechanical Engineering 81175
Civil Engineering 29347
Instrumentation Engineering 18456
Chemical Engineering 12994
Production and Industrial Engineering 3792
Biotechnology 16425
Aerospace Engineering 2935
Architecture and Planning 2516
Agricultural Engineering 1741
Mathematics 3793
Physics 6651
Chemistry 10608
XE 2275
XL 13262

These figures are not to scare you. They are presented just to make you aware of the fact that you have a big task ahead to take on. If you waste time watching movies, sleeping, enjoying roaming in streets, having fun with family members, enjoying your biking and wasting time just remember there are people who are giving their best to be best in GATE. Eventually best and highly determined deserve to reach the best places in the nation, I guess those are IITs.

Giving best possible try is what makes you happy on the day of GATE 2012 results will be announced. All you missed during the year will not look you like a miss. All friends and new friends will come to life and don’t forget they are trying to make better movies next year and we can wait for them I guess 😀

Kindly let me know if you would like me to add any other branch, or if you have some more information feel free to share, I will definitely update it after checking its validity.

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Wish you all a great luck ahead. Stay focused stay determined.

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